Basic Boulder stats
BLDRfly centers its explorations on Boulder proper with tangential coverage of surrounding communities in Boulder County.
Area: 25.7 square miles
Demo (source: U.S. Census Bureau):
- Population: 108,090 (estimate as of July 1, 2016)
- Gender: Male, 51.7 percent; Female, 48.3 percent
- Median age: 28.3
- Total households (2015): 42,165
- Median household income (2015): $58,484
- Mean household income (2015): $89,846
- Education: 38.0 percent of Boulder residents 25 years old or older have a Graduate or professional degree.
- Housing: Total units: 44,578 (18,327, detached; 3,589, attached; 20 or more units, 9,551; 10 to 19 units, 3,995)
- White: 88.5 percent
- Asian: 5 percent (for deeper breakdown, see the Census table)
- More than one race: 3.2 percent
- Black: 1.0 percent
Top Industries (source: Boulder Economic Council):
- Aerospace: 44 firms, 4,869 employees
- Bioscience: 142 firms, 4,621 employees
- Cleantech: 285 firms, 3,706 employees
- IT/Software: 832 firms, 9,333 employees
- Natural Products (no firm, employee info): Companies include: Bhakti Chai, Hain Celestial, Justin’s
- Outdoor Recreation (no firm, employee info): Companies include: Backcountry Pantry, La Sportiva, Sea to Summit, Newton Running.
University of Colorado Boulder
- Student count: 31,000-plus undergraduate and graduate students
- Faculty/staff: 2,150 academic faculty; 4,000-plus staff